
李珞 | 雨衣人(武汉,2022年末 - 2023年初)

李珞《雨衣人(武汉,2022年末 - 2023年初)》(静帧)2022-2023,高清视频,21 min,艺术家惠允




很久没回家 / 经常转圈⾛ / 害怕被淋湿

Luo Li is one of China's new generation of directors. His works are difficult to categorize in terms of genre, and he consistently stresses experimental video storytelling outside of the framework of conventional cinema. His work includes documentary, art film, and play treatments, which Luo Li describes as "an organic combination of documentary and fiction." The director's own words about this work are as follows:

This work originated from a simple idea: “Find a circle, walk around it, try to keep in sync with the second hand of a clock, as long as possible.”

Multiple performers can participate in it, and someone can also be “the minute hand” or “the hour hand”. At the end of 2022, in Wuhan, I asked a friend who had lived in the city for many years to perform for this piece. The character he played is called “Raincoat Man”. There are various speculations about “Raincoat Man”. All I know about this character is listed below:

He hasn’t been home for a long time / he often walks in circles / he is afraid of getting wet

李珞《雨衣人(武汉,2022年末 - 2023年初)》(静帧)2022-2023,高清视频,21 min,艺术家惠允

李珞,出生并成长于中国湖北武汉。后赴加拿⼤学习电影,在约克⼤学获得电影制作专业的艺术硕士学位。长片电影作品包括《前几天我去了一趟动物园》(2009),《河流和我的父亲》(2010),《唐皇游地府》(2013),《李文漫游东湖》(2015)。作品曾参展各大国际电影节和美术馆,包括:纽约林肯艺术中心,纽约现代艺术博物馆,柏林“军工厂”艺术电影院,鹿特丹国际电影节,都灵国际电影节,马德里国际电影节,墨尔本国际电影节,爱丁堡国际电影节,香港国际电影节。2015年6月,多伦多国际电影节电影资料馆组织其作品回顾展:“无处还乡 - 李珞电影”。

Luo Li is an independent filmmaker. He was born and grew up in Wuhan, China. He studied film production and obtained his MFA at York University in Toronto, Canada. His feature-length film works include I went to the zoo the other day (2009), Rivers and my father (2010), Emperor Visits the Hell (2013), Li Wen at East Lake (2015). Li’s works have won awards and screened at international film festivals including International Film Festival Rotterdam, New Directors/New Films (Lincoln Centre and MOMA, New York), Torino International Film Festival, and Hong Kong International Film Festival. In the summer of 2015, TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival) Cinematheque presented the retrospective series “You Can’t Go Home Again – the Films of Luo Li” that showcased most of Li’s works.


